Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Week 2 EOC: Sweet Charity

Sweet Charity is a movie that deals with a character that endeavors to leave her current job as a taxi dancer and work in an office setting. In one scene she goes before employment agency, during this scene she is interview about her skills and education. There were a few things that she did right and a few things wrong. The first thing she did right was the way she dressed, when she shows up for the interview she is dressed more conservative than normal. However, her style of clothing is in contrast to the rest of the workers. She could have looked at the dress code or just at the way people there dressed. “Some information is very important but not normally included in a job description. Examples include operating policies and procedures on such topics as promptness, food safety, dress code, and cleanliness” page 404. During her interview she responds to the questions with a no too quickly. Instead she should have said was willing to learn those skills.”The candidate can indicate how they would perform the task and if they would need an accommodation to do so. The manager must know about reasonable accommodation and whether it can be provided without hardship in this specific instance.” page 423. During the termination of the interview when she is being told that she won’t get the job and he thinks this a joke instead of causing a scene she allows herself to leave with a sense of grace. While this was a good choice a better choice she should have taken was to ask about locations to attain the skills needed for the jobs she was being interviewed about; or she could have asked about jobs that would allow her to attain those skills. “Candidates who are not offered a position should be notified in writing and thanked for their interest in the establishment. Wishing them well in their career is also appropriate. If some applicants’ resumes and applications will be kept on file for other possible positions, this should be mentioned in the letter.” Page 427.

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